7 Must-have Apps for the Holiday Season #IntelTablets
Well, hello there! Allow me to introduce myself… I’m the newest member of the Intel Tablets Team! As much as I love my laptop, mobile devices have gained a very special place in my heart because they...
View ArticleBusy Mom? Back Up Your Smartphone with a Budget Tablet! #IntelTablets
#spon: I’m required to disclose a relationship between our site and Intel. This could include the Intel Corporation providing us w/content, product, access or other forms of payment. I’ve had more than...
View ArticleKitchen Hack: How to Keep Your Tablet Safe and Clean in the Kitchen...
#spon: I’m required to disclose a relationship between our site and Intel. This could include the Intel Corporation providing us w/content, product, access or other forms of payment. The countdown to...
View ArticleWOCKET: The Smart Wallet for your Pocket
This new technology post was sponsored by Wocket Wallet. All opinions are my own. I sit down to write this post after spending an entire hour looking for my (newly replaced) debit card that was not in...
View ArticleSamsung Open House: A Playground of Kitchen Appliances!
The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. #HeresToHome If I had one holiday wish this year, it would be...
View ArticleEasy Wireless Streaming with Google Chromecast Audio
This tech gadget post was written in partnership with Best Buy. It’s really incredible what a little music can do. Saturday is cleaning day at our house (that’s today) and my kids were whining like...
View ArticleNatural Ways to Ease Eye Strain
Not long ago, I was working at my kitchen table and my son was asking questions about my project. I explained it as I typed away, and after a few minutes he interrupted me midsentence to say, “Mom. How...
View ArticleHow to Build a Solar Oven (for Kids)
Our solar oven project was sponsored by PPL Electric Utilities as part of their Project Envolve Ambassador program. All opinions are my own. Here’s a little tidbit for ya: according to energy.gov, the...
View ArticleTop Tech Toys for Kids at Best Buy – Plus Text Codes!
The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. Sure, there are things about the holiday season that get...
View ArticleStarting the New Year Smart with a Fossil Smartwatch
The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received a Fossil Smartwatch. So, I never thought I needed a smartwatch. I’m a busy mom, my work keeps my calendar full, I’m...
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